Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today was my first day in the office this week (still can research from home). We had to prepare some things for what we thought was a day trip to the village tomorrow. Upon arrival this morning Sitha (President of CIACC - my boss) informs us that we will not be leaving the village until the house is finished. The language barrier can be quite an obstacle sometimes. She is actually from the area around the village and has extended family there that we will be staying with (up to one week). This is pretty exciting news. The house will be complete before we come home and we can take photos of the progress and get to know the villagers very well. Also, definitely will get a feel of what poor countryside Cambodian life is like. Only well water and electricity from a generator that only is on a few hours a day.

This post is actually to ask a favor. Vishnu has managed to raise about $1500 for this house project and another volunteer last week gave us $400 for our project. The problem is that after this house is built (costing $1500-$2000), there is so much more to be done. These people are drinking water from the ground that has chemicals from the nearby plantation causing problems in their legs, eyes, and all sorts of illnesses. They have no chickens to sell eggs, no farmland to grow crops. I know many of you are the reason that I am over here right now. And if I was working at the orphanage or school I would not be asking for even more from you. But, our project is working over time to change the lives of over 600 families and it becomes costly. After building this house for one family, and a well that will provide water for maybe 10 families, we want to build several more wells, maybe another house if possible, and buy chickens and ducks.

The great thing is that any amount helps. Chickens cost $3-5 a piece, and ducks too. The wells will cost anywhere from $150-$400 depending on the ground condition. $5, $10, $20...every little bit will add up.

I have a bank account set up with Wells Fargo that I used for transfers and donations for this trip. I have it set up where I can receive money using my e-mail address or phone number.
You can send me money online using (919) 931-1738 or the e-mail address dliquidforce@gmail.com

I appreciate everyone keeping up with my blog and if you feel the desire to help these people please, please do!! If you plan on sending money or have difficulty doing so, please shoot me an e-mail. I won't have access to internet once we arrive tomorrow, but should be back in Phnom Penh within a week. If it's an emergency I have my iPhone for internet, though. Also, my Grandma has transferred to this account and knows how it works. So, you can e-mail her as well. cvassey@nc.rr.com ...thanks Granny =)

Take care,

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